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Developer Update - Guilds, reports, store & more!
Minilofe Administrator
68 posts
14 topics
about 1 year ago

Hey there Ranked Network!

Our dev team has been hard at work implementing new features to make your experience better! Here are the big ones to note in the latest update:



We've been actively developing and testing new content for our guild system. This latest update adds new BungeeCord improvements, allowing guild members to chat with their guildmates throughout the network, and gives guild owners the ability to manage guilds on any server; not just the main lobby. Our new guild system also includes Guild Tag Colors! Guild owners can now unlock Gray, Blue and Purple guild tags. Here are the requirements for each:
 - Gray - The default color.
 - Blue - For users with the MVP rank and up.
 - Purple - For users who have gifted 3 or more ranks.
We've also implemented guild ranks! VIPs will be able to create three ranks, while MVPs can create up to five. Each rank can have it's own custom permissions and weight, as shown in the photos below.

Guild owners and staff can promote guild members by using /g promote (user)




We've decided to introduce MVP+, a monthly membership that gives already-MVP users a few sweet features, including a gold tag and plus colors! Plus colors can be unlocked through purchases, guilds and achievements. They are solely for our MVP+ users and will not be seen if you don't have an active membership. MVP+ members will also gain the ability to change between the aqua rank color and the gold rank color.


As stated earlier, most rank colors (like the dark blue plus) require you to gift ranks in order to unlock it. "What is rank gifting?" you ask?
Rank gifting allows you to use gold (purchasable on our store) to buy ranks for your friends and guild members. Gold can also be used to buy cosmetics and in-game features like golden GG.
Gifting ranks unlocks features for guilds, MVP+ users and more! Check out the gif below: 



In-game Shop

Our next addition was the in-game shop; a menu where you can use gold to buy in-game content such as cosmetics and rotational items.


Report System & Friends

We have added a brand new report system that will make reporting and moderation way easier! Here's a clip of reporting in action:

Please do not abuse the /report command! Repetitively false reporting will be punished.











The Wiki & Store

Our staff are excited to announce that we are adding the wiki where you can get help if you did not understand something. The wiki includes all of our systems and how to use them or how they work such as matchmaking, rating, guilds, friends system and more! The link to our wiki can be found on the navbar of this website or here

We have also updated our store prices and ranks with MVP+ being the highest as a subscription. It includes many cool commands and will soon have /nick. If you now buy MVP or MVP+ an alert will be sent on the whole server as a Thank You for your action - we hope someones tests that :)


Bug Fixes & Stability Improvements & Anticheat

We've heard your concerns about the recent lag and server crashes, and our devs have been hard at work to improve gameplay quality! In this latest update, we've looked into reducing stress on the servers during games and in the lobby, as well as patching some bugs and exploits. We hope that your experience on the server will improve going forward!

We have also added the anticheat with a new update especially in the scaffold checks so we have less cheaters!

And last but certainly not least; a special thanks to our talented developers Reddy, Minilofe and Oefen for their hard work on this latest update! Keep it up!


What is next?

The team has been planning to release a new gamemode soon and a trailer for it will be released in abit! We are also rewriting the code for RSW V2 to fix alot of bugs, and there have been some issues with gametracker and leaderboards bot in the discord which is our priority to fix. Our skywars lobby has recieved abit of an update and there is soon to be a completly new main lobby. The announce bot is also back, making /announce work for the first time in ages. You need MVP rank or higher to run this command. Our next goal is to add replays and /nick but that will take some time.


Thanks for reading this post and we hope to see you online,

Ranked Network.

Last edited: about 1 year ago x 3 | x 1
blitzmlol Default
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about 1 year ago


DqrkEvil Default
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about 1 year ago

Yeee, update time!

ImProud Default
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about 1 year ago


Staps Administrator
6 posts
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about 1 year ago


Kiyza Default
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about 1 year ago


JustReddy Administrator Administrator
9 posts
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Discord: justreddy
about 1 year ago

hot stuff


Biggest L in history!

mexish Default
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about 1 year ago

nice stuff

henry Default
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about 1 year ago


Minilofe Administrator
68 posts
14 topics
about 1 year ago