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Practice Update
JustReddy Administrator Administrator
9 posts
1 topics
Discord: justreddy
about 1 year ago

Heyo Ranked Network, it is I, Reddy!

With the release of practice we've noticed alot of bugs that we have overlooked, knowning this we disabled practice and started fixing those bugs. And after a couple of weeks it's finished.

We've added a few features to practice, including:

Chest practice settings
You can now change how you wanna practice. There are currently only 2 options available, which you can acccess using the /settings command!

Chest size:

  • Single - 27 slots
  • Double - 54 slots


  • Level - 5 Levels, gets harder each time
  • Infinite - Same as the level option, but you can continue playing after the 5 levels have passed!



We've now added a leaderboard which you can see the top 10 players with the highest finished time. This will not save when playing on infinite mode so be aware of that!

That's all! Thanks for reading this post and we hope to see you online,

Ranked Network.


x 3


Biggest L in history!

MindBlown Default
41 posts
7 topics
Discord: ichiro_0
about 1 year ago


Once a goldie, always a goldie :(

Minilofe Administrator
68 posts
14 topics
about 1 year ago


L1uk Moderator
143 posts
24 topics
Discord: L1uk#4279
about 1 year ago

dam should be fun to have a lb

not the best...but not the worst

jakhaixo MVP Default
6 posts
2 topics
about 1 year ago

exciting! cant wait to try it out

x 1
mijoh Default
10 posts
4 topics
about 1 year ago

i will steal all of your chests.

RodrigoBatista Default
1 posts
0 topics
about 1 year ago


oSnitchy 5 foot 2 kid
MVP Default
2 posts
0 topics
about 1 year ago

No way G thank you for this AMAZING update

DqrkEvil Default
4 posts
0 topics
about 1 year ago

Sheesh, dope update